Bee gathering nectar from a bloom

Climate Change & Gardening


Climate-friendly gardening (PDF 3mb) by Union of Concerned Scientists

Gardening in an Uncertain Climate (PDF 6mb) by David W. Wolfe, Cornell University. The New American Landscape, Ch. 6 "Gardening sustainably in a changing climate"

Gardening in a Warming World (36-page PDF) was developed in 2017 by CCE-Monroe County and Cornell University's Garden-Based Learning Program. The course book includes units on the Benefits of Systems Thinking for Sustainable Gardening, Garden Systems, Climate Change Basics, Climate-Smart Sustainable Garden Audit, and Selected resources.

Climate Change in the Garden at Cornell University is an exciting model of youth community action in the garden. This site offers examples of how youth and their community members can get involved in monitoring, adapting, and mitigating climate change in the garden!

Landscaping for Water Quality in the Finger Lake by CCE-Onondaga

How Green is my Town? is an environmental assessment program that includes a checklist to determine how green a town is, a collection of policy and program ideas from other non-profits and government agencies, and a list of green products and services.

Rasparian Buffers. This page from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation outlines the concept and importance of Riparian stream buffers that protect water habitats, while providing erosion and flood protection for nearby communities. This page contains many relevant links on how to create and protect stream buffers.

Last updated December 6, 2023