BIOPLASTICS AT WEST HARRISON PUBLIC LIBRARY Monday, February 24, 2025 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm West Harrison Public Library, 2 Madison Street , West Harrison, NY 10604 West Harrison Library, 2 Madison Street, West Harrison, NY 10604 914-948-2092 presentsBIOPLASTICS AT WEST HARRISON PUBLIC LIBRARY with Stephen Soltish, 4-H Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester CountyStudents create biodegradable plastic using ingredients derived from corn, and then mold it into an ornament. FREE Stephen Soltish,, 914-285-4632 Registration: ========================================= WOOL AT WEST HARRISON PUBLIC LIBRARY Monday, March 3, 2025 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm West Harrison Public Library, 2 Madison Street , West Harrison, NY 10604 West Harrison Library, 2 Madison Street, West Harrison, NY 10604 914-948-2092 presentsWOOL with Stephen Soltish, 4-H Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester CountyStudents learn how raw wool can be cleaned and how it can be treated for dyeingRegister at West Harrison Library West Harrison Library, Address: 2 Madison St, West Harrison, NY 10604 (914) 948-2092 FREE Registration: ========================================= 2025 HOME GARDENING WEBINAR SERIES & TOUR Wednesday, March 5, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am Online Event BOTH TOURS ARE SOLD OUTThe 2025 Home Gardening Lecture Series will contain 5 lecture webinars on Tropical Houseplants, Adaptable Plants Under Changing Conditions, Flowering Native Shrubs, Gardening in Small Spaces, and Shade Gardening. Also offered is a private garden tour of Hart's Brook Park and Preserve in Hartsdale, NY. Registration is available for individual or all webinars. Please note that garden tour spots fill quickly!TROPICAL HOUSEPLANTS - SESSION 1Wednesday, January 22, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOM Speaker: Kathleen StrahanKathleen Strahan invites you to join her in escaping the winter months with a talk about tropical plants, especially those popularly kept as houseplants. Learn about the biology, taxonomy and care of tropicals from orchids to palms to philodendrons and more!Kathleen Strahan is a horticulture educator at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Wellesley College and has a strong background in commercial horticulture and greenhouse growing, hydroponics and ornamental landscaping.ADAPTABLE PLANTS UNDER CHANGING CONDITIONS - SESSION 2Wednesday, February 12, 2025 10:00 AM-11:00 AM REMOTE ON ZOOM Speaker: Jacqui Bergonzi Jacqui Bergonzi will suggest plant choices we can make to help our landscapes thrive in changing conditions. Gardeners are first-hand observers of the shifts in weather patterns. Bigger storms, warmer winters and floods to extreme droughts impact our landscapes. How do we garden sustainably during these uncertain patterns? There are more questions than answers right now. With what we have learned so far, let’s explore choices for adaptable plants. Jacqui Bergonzi is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer with a Horticulture Certificate from NYBG. As a proponent of native plants in the landscape and supporting pollinators of many types, she serves on the Steering Committee of the Native Plant Center in Valhalla. Jacqui is on the board of the 9th District Federated Garden Clubs of NYS.FLOWERING NATIVE SHRUBS - SESSION 3Wednesday, March 5, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Cathy LuddenCathy Ludden demonstrates how suburban landscapes can display the beauty and diversity of native American flowering shrubs, evergreens, foundation plants, plants with berries and great fall colors. Learn about plants for shade, sun, wet and dry or difficult sites, including those resistant to deer. Native plants support birds, wildlife and pollinators in ways that non-native plants cannot.Cathy Ludden is a member of the Board of directors of the Greenburgh Native Center, the Board of Directors of Untermeyer Garden Conservancy, and advises the Steering Committee of the Native Plant Center at Westchester Community College. She is a member of the Garden Club of Irvington. Cathy writes an informative and entertaining blog about native plants, “Around the Grounds,” found on the Greenburgh Nature Center’s website.GARDENING IN SMALL SPACES - Session 4Wednesday, April 9, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Judy RozanskiJudy Rozanski will explore how to maximize usable space, whether suburban or urban. She will explain how to plant in a limited space to garden outdoors whether on a balcony, in a yard, or another small area. Judy offers valuable tips and techniques on choosing appropriate plants, including flowering annuals, perennials, and vegetables. Judy Rozanski is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer. She pursued her interest in horticulture after retiring from teaching. She holds certificates from the New York Botanical Garden in Horticultural Therapy and in Gardening. Judy enjoys sharing her horticultural knowledge with others as a Master Gardener Volunteer.SHADE GARDENING - Session 5Wednesday, May 14, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Donna LassiterDonna Lassiter will showcase many of her favorite native species, their benefits for the environment and cultural needs for growing them with success. Learn the principles of shade gardening and selection of shade tolerant plants. Light intensity, soil conditions, water, and other applicable plant needs are examined, including some design aspects. Donna hopes you will be inspired! Donna Lassiter is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer who has designed public demonstration and school gardens with a focus on native plants for birds, pollinators and meadow gardening. She is committed to promoting a healthy environment and grows over 90 species of native plants in her home gardens. GARDEN TOURS AT HART'S BROOK  -- BOTH TOURS ARE SOLD OUTRain or ShineWednesday, June 18, 2025Hart’s Brook Park and Preserve, Hartsdale, NY 10530Guides: Master Gardener Volunteers and Westchester Pollinator Pathway Volunteers.No-Walk Ins–10:00 AM Arrival OR 11:15 AM Arrival (SOLD OUT)Carpooling is suggested. The Garden Tour displays a variety of plants and crops that are well-adapted to local growing conditions. As the season progresses, mature crops are harvested and new crops are planted. Fallow plots contain cover crops and plants that support pollinators, suppress weeds, and improve the soil. Pollinator pathway gardens include native plant design examples for creating pollinator gardens in your own yard and community.2025 HOME GARDENING WEBINAR SERIES FLYERLocationThis event is online EXCEPT tour which will be held at Hart's Brook Park and Preserve, Hartsdale, NY (SOLD OUT) $5 per session - Tour $20, Full Series $45 Hillary Jufer,, 914-285-4640 Registration: ========================================= ANCIENT ROCK ART AT HUDSON PARK CHILDREN'S GREENHOUSE Sunday, March 9, 2025 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Hudson Park Children's Greenhouse, 44 Wildcliff Rd , New Rochelle, NY 10805 Hudson Park Children's Greenhouse44 Wildcliff Rd , New Rochelle, NY 10805PresentsANCIENT ROCK ART with Stephen Soltish, 4-H Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester CountyStudents make petroglyphic art using organic and mineral materials that would have been used in ancient timesRegister at Hudson Park Children's Greenhouse44 Wildcliff Rd , New Rochelle, NY 10805(914) 847-9471 FREE Stephen Soltish,, 914-285-4632 Registration: ========================================= HYDROPONICS AT WEST HARRISON PUBLIC LIBRARY Monday, March 10, 2025 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm West Harrison Public Library, 2 Madison Street , West Harrison, NY 10604 West Harrison Library, 2 Madison Street, West Harrison, NY 10604 914-948-2092 presentsHYDROPONICS with Stephen Soltish, 4-H Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester CountyStudents discover the basics of indoor agriculture and how to grow vegetables in water.Register at West Harrison Library West Harrison Library, Address: 2 Madison St, West Harrison, NY 10604 (914) 948-2092 FREE Stephen Soltish,, 914-285-4632 Registration: ========================================= HYDROPONICS AT HUDSON PARK CHILDREN'S GREENHOUSE Sunday, March 16, 2025 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Hudson Park Children's Greenhouse, 44 Wildcliff Rd , New Rochelle, NY 10805 Hudson Park Children's Greenhouse44 Wildcliff Rd , New Rochelle, NY 10805PresentsHYDROPONICS with Stephen Soltish, 4-H Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester CountyStudents discover the basics of indoor agriculture and how to grow vegetables in water.Register at Hudson Park Children's Greenhouse44 Wildcliff Rd , New Rochelle, NY 10805(914) 847-9471 FREE Stephen Soltish,, 914-285-4632 Registration: ========================================= UNRAVELING DNA AT WEST HARRISON PUBLIC LIBRARY Monday, March 17, 2025 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm West Harrison Public Library, 2 Madison Street , West Harrison, NY 10604 West Harrison Library, 2 Madison Street, West Harrison, NY 10604 914-948-2092 presentsUNRAVELING DNA with Stephen Soltish, 4-H Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester CountyStudents mash strawberries to release their DNA and use simple chemistry to see the results.Register at West Harrison Library West Harrison Library, Address: 2 Madison St, West Harrison, NY 10604 (914) 948-2092 FREE Stephen Soltish,, 914-285-4632 Registration: ========================================= THE FISHERMEN'S ART OF GYOTAKU AT HUDSON PARK CHILDREN'S GREENHOUSE Sunday, March 23, 2025 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Hudson Park Children's Greenhouse, 44 Wildcliff Rd , New Rochelle, NY 10805 Hudson Park Children's Greenhouse44 Wildcliff Rd., New Rochelle, NY 10805PresentsThe Fisherman’s Art of Gyotakuwith Stephen Soltish, 4-H Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester CountyStudents learn Japanese fishermen’s technique of recording the size of their catch using ink and paper.Register at Hudson Park Children's Greenhouse, 44 Wildcliff Rd., New Rochelle, NY 10805(914) 847-9471 FREE Stephen Soltish,, 914-285-4632 Registration: ========================================= EARTHWORM COMPOST AT WEST HARRISON PUBLIC LIBRARY Monday, March 24, 2025 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm West Harrison Public Library, 2 Madison Street , West Harrison, NY 10604 West Harrison Library, 2 Madison Street, West Harrison, NY 10604 914-948-2092 presentsEARTHWORM COMPOST with Stephen Soltish, 4-H Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester CountyIn this introduction to vermiculture, students search for earthworms, learn what they eat, learn what they can provide us, and give them a habitatRegister at West Harrison Library West Harrison Library, Address: 2 Madison St, West Harrison, NY 10604 (914) 948-2092 FREE Stephen Soltish,, 914-285-4632 Registration: ========================================= COOKIE MINING AT BRONXVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Thursday, March 27, 2025 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Bronxville Public Library, 201 Pondfield Road , Bronxville, NY 10708 Bronxville Public Library 201 Pondfield Rd, Bronxville, NY 10708presentsCOOKIE MINING with Stephen Soltish, 4-H Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester CountyStudents understand the responsibility of running a mine in an efficient and environmentally safe way by mining chocolate chip "ore" out of cookies.Register at Bronxville Public Library, 201 Pondfield Rd, Bronxville, NY 10708914-337-7680 FREE Stephen Soltish,, 914-285-4632 Registration: ========================================= BEES' KNEES AT HUDSON PARK CHILDREN'S GREENHOUSE Sunday, March 30, 2025 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Hudson Park Children's Greenhouse, 44 Wildcliff Rd , New Rochelle, NY 10805 Hudson Park Children's Greenhouse44 Wildcliff Rd., New Rochelle, NY 10805PresentsBEES' KNEES with Stephen Soltish, 4-H Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester CountyStudents learn how honeybees create beeswax and honey, and then use them to make lip balm. Students will also get to sample different varieties of honey.Register a tHudson Park Children's Greenhouse44 Wildcliff Rd., New Rochelle, NY 10805(914) 847-9471 FREE Stephen Soltish,, 914-285-4632 Registration: ========================================= 2025 HOME GARDENING WEBINAR SERIES & TOUR Wednesday, April 9, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am Online Event BOTH TOURS ARE SOLD OUTThe 2025 Home Gardening Lecture Series will contain 5 lecture webinars on Tropical Houseplants, Adaptable Plants Under Changing Conditions, Flowering Native Shrubs, Gardening in Small Spaces, and Shade Gardening. Also offered is a private garden tour of Hart's Brook Park and Preserve in Hartsdale, NY. Registration is available for individual or all webinars. Please note that garden tour spots fill quickly!TROPICAL HOUSEPLANTS - SESSION 1Wednesday, January 22, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOM Speaker: Kathleen StrahanKathleen Strahan invites you to join her in escaping the winter months with a talk about tropical plants, especially those popularly kept as houseplants. Learn about the biology, taxonomy and care of tropicals from orchids to palms to philodendrons and more!Kathleen Strahan is a horticulture educator at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Wellesley College and has a strong background in commercial horticulture and greenhouse growing, hydroponics and ornamental landscaping.ADAPTABLE PLANTS UNDER CHANGING CONDITIONS - SESSION 2Wednesday, February 12, 2025 10:00 AM-11:00 AM REMOTE ON ZOOM Speaker: Jacqui Bergonzi Jacqui Bergonzi will suggest plant choices we can make to help our landscapes thrive in changing conditions. Gardeners are first-hand observers of the shifts in weather patterns. Bigger storms, warmer winters and floods to extreme droughts impact our landscapes. How do we garden sustainably during these uncertain patterns? There are more questions than answers right now. With what we have learned so far, let’s explore choices for adaptable plants. Jacqui Bergonzi is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer with a Horticulture Certificate from NYBG. As a proponent of native plants in the landscape and supporting pollinators of many types, she serves on the Steering Committee of the Native Plant Center in Valhalla. Jacqui is on the board of the 9th District Federated Garden Clubs of NYS.FLOWERING NATIVE SHRUBS - SESSION 3Wednesday, March 5, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Cathy LuddenCathy Ludden demonstrates how suburban landscapes can display the beauty and diversity of native American flowering shrubs, evergreens, foundation plants, plants with berries and great fall colors. Learn about plants for shade, sun, wet and dry or difficult sites, including those resistant to deer. Native plants support birds, wildlife and pollinators in ways that non-native plants cannot.Cathy Ludden is a member of the Board of directors of the Greenburgh Native Center, the Board of Directors of Untermeyer Garden Conservancy, and advises the Steering Committee of the Native Plant Center at Westchester Community College. She is a member of the Garden Club of Irvington. Cathy writes an informative and entertaining blog about native plants, “Around the Grounds,” found on the Greenburgh Nature Center’s website.GARDENING IN SMALL SPACES - Session 4Wednesday, April 9, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Judy RozanskiJudy Rozanski will explore how to maximize usable space, whether suburban or urban. She will explain how to plant in a limited space to garden outdoors whether on a balcony, in a yard, or another small area. Judy offers valuable tips and techniques on choosing appropriate plants, including flowering annuals, perennials, and vegetables. Judy Rozanski is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer. She pursued her interest in horticulture after retiring from teaching. She holds certificates from the New York Botanical Garden in Horticultural Therapy and in Gardening. Judy enjoys sharing her horticultural knowledge with others as a Master Gardener Volunteer.SHADE GARDENING - Session 5Wednesday, May 14, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Donna LassiterDonna Lassiter will showcase many of her favorite native species, their benefits for the environment and cultural needs for growing them with success. Learn the principles of shade gardening and selection of shade tolerant plants. Light intensity, soil conditions, water, and other applicable plant needs are examined, including some design aspects. Donna hopes you will be inspired! Donna Lassiter is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer who has designed public demonstration and school gardens with a focus on native plants for birds, pollinators and meadow gardening. She is committed to promoting a healthy environment and grows over 90 species of native plants in her home gardens. GARDEN TOURS AT HART'S BROOK  -- BOTH TOURS ARE SOLD OUTRain or ShineWednesday, June 18, 2025Hart’s Brook Park and Preserve, Hartsdale, NY 10530Guides: Master Gardener Volunteers and Westchester Pollinator Pathway Volunteers.No-Walk Ins–10:00 AM Arrival OR 11:15 AM Arrival (SOLD OUT)Carpooling is suggested. The Garden Tour displays a variety of plants and crops that are well-adapted to local growing conditions. As the season progresses, mature crops are harvested and new crops are planted. Fallow plots contain cover crops and plants that support pollinators, suppress weeds, and improve the soil. Pollinator pathway gardens include native plant design examples for creating pollinator gardens in your own yard and community.2025 HOME GARDENING WEBINAR SERIES FLYERLocationThis event is online EXCEPT tour which will be held at Hart's Brook Park and Preserve, Hartsdale, NY (SOLD OUT) $5 per session - Tour $20, Full Series $45 Hillary Jufer,, 914-285-4640 Registration: ========================================= CERTIFIED TREE STEWARD TRAINING 2025 Tuesday, April 22, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester County, 3 West Main Street, Suite 112 , Elmsford, NY 10523 **SUBSIDIZED PRICING **LANDSCAPERS AND INDUSTRY: $1,195MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY EMPLOYEE: $950April 22, 2025 Tree biology and tree IDTree ID walk at Hart’sBrook Park and PreserveApril 23, 2025 Urban forestry management, right plant right place, soil science, water systemsApril 25, 2025 Basics of pruning, tree risk assessment, tree plantingApril 28, 2025 Principals of weed science, indicator weeds, weeds that cause rashesWeed walk at at Hart’sBrook Park and PreserveApril 30, 2025 Tree climbing and rigging, safety around treesMay 2, 2025 Abiotic and biotic disorders Scouting at Mount Pleasant CemeteryGraduation ceremonyDEC and ISA Credits available based on agency approval.Hands-on outdoor activities and field trainings are planned for most afternoons. Dress appropriately.***************************Lunch and refreshments also included daily because students will be working and learning right through the entire day.Courses are popular and space is limited. First come, first served. Please contact Hillary Jufer at914-285-4640 regarding availability.Full attendance is mandatory for certificate. Rain dates may be scheduled as needed.Registration is not complete until payment is made.No refunds will be offered on this course.SIGN UP HERE3 West Main St, Suite112, Elmsford, NY10523(914) 285-4640FLYER **The true cost of this course is $2,006, but CCE is able to partially subsidize the tuition. $1,195 or $950 Hillary Jufer,, 914-285-4640 Registration: ========================================= CERTIFIED TREE STEWARD TRAINING 2025 Friday, May 2, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester County, 3 West Main Street, Suite 112 , Elmsford, NY 10523 **SUBSIDIZED PRICING **LANDSCAPERS AND INDUSTRY: $1,195MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY EMPLOYEE: $950April 22, 2025 Tree biology and tree IDTree ID walk at Hart’sBrook Park and PreserveApril 23, 2025 Urban forestry management, right plant right place, soil science, water systemsApril 25, 2025 Basics of pruning, tree risk assessment, tree plantingApril 28, 2025 Principals of weed science, indicator weeds, weeds that cause rashesWeed walk at at Hart’sBrook Park and PreserveApril 30, 2025 Tree climbing and rigging, safety around treesMay 2, 2025 Abiotic and biotic disorders Scouting at Mount Pleasant CemeteryGraduation ceremonyDEC and ISA Credits available based on agency approval.Hands-on outdoor activities and field trainings are planned for most afternoons. Dress appropriately.***************************Lunch and refreshments also included daily because students will be working and learning right through the entire day.Courses are popular and space is limited. First come, first served. Please contact Hillary Jufer at914-285-4640 regarding availability.Full attendance is mandatory for certificate. Rain dates may be scheduled as needed.Registration is not complete until payment is made.No refunds will be offered on this course.SIGN UP HERE3 West Main St, Suite112, Elmsford, NY10523(914) 285-4640FLYER **The true cost of this course is $2,006, but CCE is able to partially subsidize the tuition. $1,195 or $950 Hillary Jufer,, 914-285-4640 Registration: ========================================= 2025 HOME GARDENING WEBINAR SERIES & TOUR Wednesday, May 14, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am Online Event BOTH TOURS ARE SOLD OUTThe 2025 Home Gardening Lecture Series will contain 5 lecture webinars on Tropical Houseplants, Adaptable Plants Under Changing Conditions, Flowering Native Shrubs, Gardening in Small Spaces, and Shade Gardening. Also offered is a private garden tour of Hart's Brook Park and Preserve in Hartsdale, NY. Registration is available for individual or all webinars. Please note that garden tour spots fill quickly!TROPICAL HOUSEPLANTS - SESSION 1Wednesday, January 22, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOM Speaker: Kathleen StrahanKathleen Strahan invites you to join her in escaping the winter months with a talk about tropical plants, especially those popularly kept as houseplants. Learn about the biology, taxonomy and care of tropicals from orchids to palms to philodendrons and more!Kathleen Strahan is a horticulture educator at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Wellesley College and has a strong background in commercial horticulture and greenhouse growing, hydroponics and ornamental landscaping.ADAPTABLE PLANTS UNDER CHANGING CONDITIONS - SESSION 2Wednesday, February 12, 2025 10:00 AM-11:00 AM REMOTE ON ZOOM Speaker: Jacqui Bergonzi Jacqui Bergonzi will suggest plant choices we can make to help our landscapes thrive in changing conditions. Gardeners are first-hand observers of the shifts in weather patterns. Bigger storms, warmer winters and floods to extreme droughts impact our landscapes. How do we garden sustainably during these uncertain patterns? There are more questions than answers right now. With what we have learned so far, let’s explore choices for adaptable plants. Jacqui Bergonzi is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer with a Horticulture Certificate from NYBG. As a proponent of native plants in the landscape and supporting pollinators of many types, she serves on the Steering Committee of the Native Plant Center in Valhalla. Jacqui is on the board of the 9th District Federated Garden Clubs of NYS.FLOWERING NATIVE SHRUBS - SESSION 3Wednesday, March 5, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Cathy LuddenCathy Ludden demonstrates how suburban landscapes can display the beauty and diversity of native American flowering shrubs, evergreens, foundation plants, plants with berries and great fall colors. Learn about plants for shade, sun, wet and dry or difficult sites, including those resistant to deer. Native plants support birds, wildlife and pollinators in ways that non-native plants cannot.Cathy Ludden is a member of the Board of directors of the Greenburgh Native Center, the Board of Directors of Untermeyer Garden Conservancy, and advises the Steering Committee of the Native Plant Center at Westchester Community College. She is a member of the Garden Club of Irvington. Cathy writes an informative and entertaining blog about native plants, “Around the Grounds,” found on the Greenburgh Nature Center’s website.GARDENING IN SMALL SPACES - Session 4Wednesday, April 9, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Judy RozanskiJudy Rozanski will explore how to maximize usable space, whether suburban or urban. She will explain how to plant in a limited space to garden outdoors whether on a balcony, in a yard, or another small area. Judy offers valuable tips and techniques on choosing appropriate plants, including flowering annuals, perennials, and vegetables. Judy Rozanski is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer. She pursued her interest in horticulture after retiring from teaching. She holds certificates from the New York Botanical Garden in Horticultural Therapy and in Gardening. Judy enjoys sharing her horticultural knowledge with others as a Master Gardener Volunteer.SHADE GARDENING - Session 5Wednesday, May 14, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Donna LassiterDonna Lassiter will showcase many of her favorite native species, their benefits for the environment and cultural needs for growing them with success. Learn the principles of shade gardening and selection of shade tolerant plants. Light intensity, soil conditions, water, and other applicable plant needs are examined, including some design aspects. Donna hopes you will be inspired! Donna Lassiter is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer who has designed public demonstration and school gardens with a focus on native plants for birds, pollinators and meadow gardening. She is committed to promoting a healthy environment and grows over 90 species of native plants in her home gardens. GARDEN TOURS AT HART'S BROOK  -- BOTH TOURS ARE SOLD OUTRain or ShineWednesday, June 18, 2025Hart’s Brook Park and Preserve, Hartsdale, NY 10530Guides: Master Gardener Volunteers and Westchester Pollinator Pathway Volunteers.No-Walk Ins–10:00 AM Arrival OR 11:15 AM Arrival (SOLD OUT)Carpooling is suggested. The Garden Tour displays a variety of plants and crops that are well-adapted to local growing conditions. As the season progresses, mature crops are harvested and new crops are planted. Fallow plots contain cover crops and plants that support pollinators, suppress weeds, and improve the soil. Pollinator pathway gardens include native plant design examples for creating pollinator gardens in your own yard and community.2025 HOME GARDENING WEBINAR SERIES FLYERLocationThis event is online EXCEPT tour which will be held at Hart's Brook Park and Preserve, Hartsdale, NY (SOLD OUT) $5 per session - Tour $20, Full Series $45 Hillary Jufer,, 914-285-4640 Registration: ========================================= Spongy Moth: Managing a Tree-Devastating Pest Thursday, June 5, 2025 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Online Event The spongy moth (formerly known as the gypsy moth) poses a significant threat to our shade trees, with recent resurgences reported in some areas. These caterpillars feed voraciously on tree foliage, and during peak activity, their falling droppings can even mimic the sound of rainfall!In this program, we’ll explore how to identify this pest, understand its life cycle, and assess the damage it can cause. We’ll place particular emphasis on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques, as well as pesticide treatments, to help manage these pests effectively using environmentally friendly approaches. We’ll also talk about the natural biocontrols that can help manage future outbreaks. This is a virtual program.Flyer FREE Hillary Jufer,, 914-285-4640 Registration: ========================================= 2025 HOME GARDENING WEBINAR SERIES & TOUR Wednesday, June 18, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am Online Event BOTH TOURS ARE SOLD OUTThe 2025 Home Gardening Lecture Series will contain 5 lecture webinars on Tropical Houseplants, Adaptable Plants Under Changing Conditions, Flowering Native Shrubs, Gardening in Small Spaces, and Shade Gardening. Also offered is a private garden tour of Hart's Brook Park and Preserve in Hartsdale, NY. Registration is available for individual or all webinars. Please note that garden tour spots fill quickly!TROPICAL HOUSEPLANTS - SESSION 1Wednesday, January 22, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOM Speaker: Kathleen StrahanKathleen Strahan invites you to join her in escaping the winter months with a talk about tropical plants, especially those popularly kept as houseplants. Learn about the biology, taxonomy and care of tropicals from orchids to palms to philodendrons and more!Kathleen Strahan is a horticulture educator at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Wellesley College and has a strong background in commercial horticulture and greenhouse growing, hydroponics and ornamental landscaping.ADAPTABLE PLANTS UNDER CHANGING CONDITIONS - SESSION 2Wednesday, February 12, 2025 10:00 AM-11:00 AM REMOTE ON ZOOM Speaker: Jacqui Bergonzi Jacqui Bergonzi will suggest plant choices we can make to help our landscapes thrive in changing conditions. Gardeners are first-hand observers of the shifts in weather patterns. Bigger storms, warmer winters and floods to extreme droughts impact our landscapes. How do we garden sustainably during these uncertain patterns? There are more questions than answers right now. With what we have learned so far, let’s explore choices for adaptable plants. Jacqui Bergonzi is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer with a Horticulture Certificate from NYBG. As a proponent of native plants in the landscape and supporting pollinators of many types, she serves on the Steering Committee of the Native Plant Center in Valhalla. Jacqui is on the board of the 9th District Federated Garden Clubs of NYS.FLOWERING NATIVE SHRUBS - SESSION 3Wednesday, March 5, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Cathy LuddenCathy Ludden demonstrates how suburban landscapes can display the beauty and diversity of native American flowering shrubs, evergreens, foundation plants, plants with berries and great fall colors. Learn about plants for shade, sun, wet and dry or difficult sites, including those resistant to deer. Native plants support birds, wildlife and pollinators in ways that non-native plants cannot.Cathy Ludden is a member of the Board of directors of the Greenburgh Native Center, the Board of Directors of Untermeyer Garden Conservancy, and advises the Steering Committee of the Native Plant Center at Westchester Community College. She is a member of the Garden Club of Irvington. Cathy writes an informative and entertaining blog about native plants, “Around the Grounds,” found on the Greenburgh Nature Center’s website.GARDENING IN SMALL SPACES - Session 4Wednesday, April 9, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Judy RozanskiJudy Rozanski will explore how to maximize usable space, whether suburban or urban. She will explain how to plant in a limited space to garden outdoors whether on a balcony, in a yard, or another small area. Judy offers valuable tips and techniques on choosing appropriate plants, including flowering annuals, perennials, and vegetables. Judy Rozanski is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer. She pursued her interest in horticulture after retiring from teaching. She holds certificates from the New York Botanical Garden in Horticultural Therapy and in Gardening. Judy enjoys sharing her horticultural knowledge with others as a Master Gardener Volunteer.SHADE GARDENING - Session 5Wednesday, May 14, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Donna LassiterDonna Lassiter will showcase many of her favorite native species, their benefits for the environment and cultural needs for growing them with success. Learn the principles of shade gardening and selection of shade tolerant plants. Light intensity, soil conditions, water, and other applicable plant needs are examined, including some design aspects. Donna hopes you will be inspired! Donna Lassiter is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer who has designed public demonstration and school gardens with a focus on native plants for birds, pollinators and meadow gardening. She is committed to promoting a healthy environment and grows over 90 species of native plants in her home gardens. GARDEN TOURS AT HART'S BROOK  -- BOTH TOURS ARE SOLD OUTRain or ShineWednesday, June 18, 2025Hart’s Brook Park and Preserve, Hartsdale, NY 10530Guides: Master Gardener Volunteers and Westchester Pollinator Pathway Volunteers.No-Walk Ins–10:00 AM Arrival OR 11:15 AM Arrival (SOLD OUT)Carpooling is suggested. The Garden Tour displays a variety of plants and crops that are well-adapted to local growing conditions. As the season progresses, mature crops are harvested and new crops are planted. Fallow plots contain cover crops and plants that support pollinators, suppress weeds, and improve the soil. Pollinator pathway gardens include native plant design examples for creating pollinator gardens in your own yard and community.2025 HOME GARDENING WEBINAR SERIES FLYERLocationThis event is online EXCEPT tour which will be held at Hart's Brook Park and Preserve, Hartsdale, NY (SOLD OUT) $5 per session - Tour $20, Full Series $45 Hillary Jufer,, 914-285-4640 Registration: ========================================= 2025 HOME GARDENING WEBINAR SERIES & TOUR Wednesday, June 18, 2025 11:15 am - 12:00 pm Online Event BOTH TOURS ARE SOLD OUTThe 2025 Home Gardening Lecture Series will contain 5 lecture webinars on Tropical Houseplants, Adaptable Plants Under Changing Conditions, Flowering Native Shrubs, Gardening in Small Spaces, and Shade Gardening. Also offered is a private garden tour of Hart's Brook Park and Preserve in Hartsdale, NY. Registration is available for individual or all webinars. Please note that garden tour spots fill quickly!TROPICAL HOUSEPLANTS - SESSION 1Wednesday, January 22, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOM Speaker: Kathleen StrahanKathleen Strahan invites you to join her in escaping the winter months with a talk about tropical plants, especially those popularly kept as houseplants. Learn about the biology, taxonomy and care of tropicals from orchids to palms to philodendrons and more!Kathleen Strahan is a horticulture educator at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Wellesley College and has a strong background in commercial horticulture and greenhouse growing, hydroponics and ornamental landscaping.ADAPTABLE PLANTS UNDER CHANGING CONDITIONS - SESSION 2Wednesday, February 12, 2025 10:00 AM-11:00 AM REMOTE ON ZOOM Speaker: Jacqui Bergonzi Jacqui Bergonzi will suggest plant choices we can make to help our landscapes thrive in changing conditions. Gardeners are first-hand observers of the shifts in weather patterns. Bigger storms, warmer winters and floods to extreme droughts impact our landscapes. How do we garden sustainably during these uncertain patterns? There are more questions than answers right now. With what we have learned so far, let’s explore choices for adaptable plants. Jacqui Bergonzi is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer with a Horticulture Certificate from NYBG. As a proponent of native plants in the landscape and supporting pollinators of many types, she serves on the Steering Committee of the Native Plant Center in Valhalla. Jacqui is on the board of the 9th District Federated Garden Clubs of NYS.FLOWERING NATIVE SHRUBS - SESSION 3Wednesday, March 5, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Cathy LuddenCathy Ludden demonstrates how suburban landscapes can display the beauty and diversity of native American flowering shrubs, evergreens, foundation plants, plants with berries and great fall colors. Learn about plants for shade, sun, wet and dry or difficult sites, including those resistant to deer. Native plants support birds, wildlife and pollinators in ways that non-native plants cannot.Cathy Ludden is a member of the Board of directors of the Greenburgh Native Center, the Board of Directors of Untermeyer Garden Conservancy, and advises the Steering Committee of the Native Plant Center at Westchester Community College. She is a member of the Garden Club of Irvington. Cathy writes an informative and entertaining blog about native plants, “Around the Grounds,” found on the Greenburgh Nature Center’s website.GARDENING IN SMALL SPACES - Session 4Wednesday, April 9, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Judy RozanskiJudy Rozanski will explore how to maximize usable space, whether suburban or urban. She will explain how to plant in a limited space to garden outdoors whether on a balcony, in a yard, or another small area. Judy offers valuable tips and techniques on choosing appropriate plants, including flowering annuals, perennials, and vegetables. Judy Rozanski is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer. She pursued her interest in horticulture after retiring from teaching. She holds certificates from the New York Botanical Garden in Horticultural Therapy and in Gardening. Judy enjoys sharing her horticultural knowledge with others as a Master Gardener Volunteer.SHADE GARDENING - Session 5Wednesday, May 14, 202510:00 AM-11:00 AMREMOTE ON ZOOMSpeaker: Donna LassiterDonna Lassiter will showcase many of her favorite native species, their benefits for the environment and cultural needs for growing them with success. Learn the principles of shade gardening and selection of shade tolerant plants. Light intensity, soil conditions, water, and other applicable plant needs are examined, including some design aspects. Donna hopes you will be inspired! Donna Lassiter is a CCE Master Gardener Volunteer who has designed public demonstration and school gardens with a focus on native plants for birds, pollinators and meadow gardening. She is committed to promoting a healthy environment and grows over 90 species of native plants in her home gardens. GARDEN TOURS AT HART'S BROOK  -- BOTH TOURS ARE SOLD OUTRain or ShineWednesday, June 18, 2025Hart’s Brook Park and Preserve, Hartsdale, NY 10530Guides: Master Gardener Volunteers and Westchester Pollinator Pathway Volunteers.No-Walk Ins–10:00 AM Arrival OR 11:15 AM Arrival (SOLD OUT)Carpooling is suggested. The Garden Tour displays a variety of plants and crops that are well-adapted to local growing conditions. As the season progresses, mature crops are harvested and new crops are planted. Fallow plots contain cover crops and plants that support pollinators, suppress weeds, and improve the soil. Pollinator pathway gardens include native plant design examples for creating pollinator gardens in your own yard and community.2025 HOME GARDENING WEBINAR SERIES FLYERLocationThis event is online EXCEPT tour which will be held at Hart's Brook Park and Preserve, Hartsdale, NY (SOLD OUT) $5 per session - Tour $20, Full Series $45 Hillary Jufer,, 914-285-4640 Registration: =========================================